Artist Call: Documentary Series Seeking Music Submissions


Attention musicians! The upcoming documentary series Watchers of the North is looking for music submissions for possible use in the APTN television series.

Watchers of the North is a 6-part documentary series that will be broadcast on APTN in 2013. In both English and Inuktitut, the series is about the Canadian Rangers in two communities who patrol areas Canadian Forces can't easily access while being first responders in their communities in search and rescue and emergency situations. It focuses on close to a dozen Inuit Rangers in two communities and how their way of life is changing on and off the job.

We can't wait to see it!

And your music could be a part of it! Here's more info from the producers:

  • We’d love to feature Inuit musicians, whether they weave traditional sounds like throat singing into their modern music, or are creating unique sounds of their own.
  • We’re also looking for a wide variety of musicians and musical styles by Indigenous artists – First Nations, Metis, Aboriginal especially instrumental, but lyrics may work, too because episodes and scenes focus on a wide variety of people and different moods- some sequences are more thoughtful, others more action-packed.
  • At this point, we’d like to receive submissions as emailed links to EPKs and streaming audio.
  • What we can offer to musicians in return for their musical involvement in the series is exposure for their music: profiles of them on our blog ( and website (to be launched in 2013 with the series), Facebook page, twitter etc., as well as credits on our TV credit roll and on the website.
  • We’re also seeking a particularly versatile aboriginal musician or composer who has experience (ideally) creating music for film ,TV or theatre, to compose a few original short instrumental pieces that we will use regularly throughout the series. This would involve remuneration for that work.

To be considered, send your streaming audio links to Maureen Marovitch