A Radio Documentary by Dustin McGladrey - "Into The Roots"


New across our desk is this radio documentary by journalist Dustin McGladrey on Indigenous musicians in rock and blues.

A young, new journalist, Dustin McGladrey, recently shared a radio documentary which features insights from several Indigenous artists like Murray Porter, Derek Miller, and John Kim Bell.

In this documentary, Dustin talks to numerous Indigenous artists about the state of Indigenous music now and what might come in the future, with a majority of the interviews having taken place during the weekend of the 2012 National Aboriginal Achievement Awards in Vancouver, B.C.

Great interviews with some of Turtle Island's greatest artists make this a great addition to the journalism section of Indigenous music culture. Props out to Dustin for stepping up and sharing this piece with us.

Full interview credits include:

Derek Miller  Murray Porter  Sean Riquelme  Elaine Bomberry  Evan Adams  Sarah Yankoo  Ray Thunderchild  Michelle Thrush  Adrian Duke  Chief Shane Godfriedson  Robert Simpson  John Kimbell  Chris Louis  Dustin McGladrey