DOWNLOAD: Indian Nick - "Electric Indians"


Sitka, Alaska born Nicholas Galanin is a remarkable Tlingit/Aleut artist from a long line of artists, starting with his great-grandfather, who sculpted in wood, down through his father, who works in both precious metal and stone. While Galanin is widely known as a visual artist  who has trained extensively in 'traditional' as well as 'contemporary' approaches to art, he also runs the grassroots record label Home Skillet Records and the accompanying Home Skillet Festival. AND he's a musician himself! How does he find the time? Amazing. Under the name Indian Nick he recently released the EP Digital Indigenous, with artwork by Sonny Assu. Galanin sent this experimental hip-hop track to RPM for us to check out and we dig it! Electric Indians is the first track on Digital Indigenous. Get the whole thing at

Download:  Indian Nick - "Electric Indians"